Discover Senior Living with MiHygge
Our monthly Blog for Senior living and care providers who serve our beloved elderly! A warm welcome to senior living and care providers. March...
Our monthly Blog for Senior living and care providers who serve our beloved elderly! A warm welcome to senior living and care providers. March...
It was an interesting time for March. March madness? As we celebrate our families, homes, communities, countries and worlds, Here is something to celebrate...
Is it March madness already? As we celebrate our families, homes, communities, countries, and worlds, here is something to celebrate on our patio, garden,...
Who is talking about Anti-aging these days? It is everyone! Is it really working…? Is it harming or benefiting our society? Who is the...
Even with healthy aging and despite the advances in medicine, we are still always going to be mortal beings. During our lifespan, we will...
When was “ready” used in healthcare, and why did we start using it?? Somewhere in the history of caregiving and healthy aging, there must...
I constantly get to read … things a senior must know, a caregiver must know and so. Here today I uncover 5 things affecting...
Continuing to do the things we once loved is a basic longing of a human being. And inability to do so, due to various...
Why is health economics a game changer? And for whom? And why? For what? Emergency room visits, hospital stays, post hospitalization admissions are all...
Health is indeed wealth! Without health, there is no wealth and vice versa. For long, families of seniors and seniors shared with me the...