Discover Senior Living with MiHygge
Our monthly Blog for Senior living and care providers who serve our beloved elderly!

A warm welcome to senior living and care providers. March is the beginning of spring. Spring is the time to look forward to a wonderful summer of bounty and yet it beckons us to look at the past, savor the present as we strive for the future.
Mihygge Quote of the Month: “Experiencing the joys of aging is healthy for our mind, body, and soul!”
Mihygge Question corner: What is “MiHygge”? Hygge is a Danish/Norwegian word, which means “cozy living” or “life’s simple pleasures”. Therefore, mihygge means my cozy living!
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Who are we? We are a Geriatric tech startup, a subscription-based software platform to empower senior living and care providers to help care for our elderly, decrease hospitalizations, increase happiness, save time, money, environment, and more.
Why use us? Families, elderly spouses or partners, and healthcare professionals are always looking for care for their beloved elderly, there are beautiful homes and wonderful care providers, we are here to empower our consumers from search to booking in real-time through safe and special senior living and care choices, so we can empower our elderly with cozy living and enjoy life’s simple pleasures
How to connect with us? There are many ways to connect with us
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March has come and gone:
It was an interesting time for March. March madness? As we celebrate our families, homes, communities, countries and worlds, Here is something to celebrate on our patio, garden or at the entrance to our homes!
- You will need a small hanging basket or window box preferably lightweight, basket liner, some potting soil, a packet of nasturtium seeds, arugula seeds, mesclun salad lettuce or four season lettuce according to taste.
- Line the basket or box with a coir liner, add in potting soil, sprinkle the seeds and make sure to label the box or basket before watering.
- As the seedlings grow, this basket or box will attract beneficial insects, pollinators and also serve you with a mouth watering salad of arugula, lettuce, nasturtium flowers
- Sprinkle some olive oil , pepper and salt to taste, this should serve a plate of salad for one person for a good two to three months.

MiHygge Nutrition for the mind, body and soul:
As March farmers markets bring in the colors of spring, a staple is freshly baked baguettes and bread.
1. You will need a loaf of baguette, some baby spinach, arugula or even kale sliced into thin strips
2. Some olive oil, slivered almonds or walnuts, honeycomb, paprika, pepper and salt to taste.
3. Arrange the baguette slices, place the strips of greens as in above onto the slices, add a couple mini squares of honeycomb ( honey with the comb)
4. top it off with some slivered nuts or even fruit ( if you are allergic to nuts ) , put a pinch of paprika, salt and pepper over the entire slice of baguette
5. drizzle of olive oil and Wow it is ready for your spring party!
A baguette can easily serve 4 people, this recipe can be modified using maple syrup, orange marmalade, peas, collards, root veg like carrots, beets, easter radishes😊Happy Spring to all from MiHygge.
April, until next Year!:
April was abundant in every way! Here is a way to make it even more 😊 An activity that will bring smiles to our pollinators and our elderly at home or senior living, something they will be proud of as environmental stewards. April 22 is World Earth Day and here is our take on that special day. You will need a small wooden box or cardboard box, water proof paint, any color, glue, some bee stickers, small bamboo sticks ( all available at craft supply stores). Paint the box with any color of choice, let it dry, it is best to apply two coats. Once dried, glue the bamboo sticks together with glue and stack them one on top until the entire box is filled, leave it to dry. Paste some bee stickers on the box, making sure the box can either be hung on a tree, nailed to a tree or simply placed in a corner of the garden nestled in the shade of the tree branches. In a few weeks mason bees will make their homes, they will pollinate the gardens and create new life! It is really fun to watch these docile bees, another wonderful idea is to name the boxes with the senior’s initials and watch them feel pride and joy this Earth Day!
MiHygge Nutrition for the mind, soul, body:
Cooking or serving new special meals is everyone’s cup of tea! It is wonderful to see the delights that throng the dining halls at home or in senior living and cares. All made with love, kindness, compassion. Here is a popular twist on the fruits of spring and summer!
The Quintessential Avocado toast is here to stay, our recipe from our garden.

- You will need whole wheat bread or even the multigrain bread works.
- Slice some bountiful avocados from your garden, grind them to a paste, add some cinnamon, lime juice, cilantro
- Spread it over toasted bread, add some chopped tomatoes, arugula, some French Gruyere cheese
- A few slices of a hard boiled egg maybe, pepper and salt to taste and it is ready to savor.
- One may substitute cheese for soy cheese, spinach or mustard for arugula, tofu for eggs, cucumbers for tomatoes.
This will serve as many as the bread serving. A healthy recipe for vegans or non vegans alike.
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We wish you nice, earthy April. We are grateful for your love and concern for our beloved elderly, the smiles you bring on their faces and the hopes that you empower them with. We appreciate and celebrate everyone in our elderly’s journey of life, Thank you once again.
Yours truly,
Dr Sree and mihygge