mihygge - senior living

Are You Considering Assisted Living Facilities?

Assisted living facilities are a key type of senior living option for those in our aging population. They can be termed by congregate housing, senior care facility, boarding home or even domiciliary care. These facilities care for the elderly who need daily care. This could be in the form of medical care, daily tasks, or just a little bit more help with normal living needs.

Over one million people live in assisted living facilities. About 30,000 of these locations exist across the country with a majority of them being female and over the age of 80. Most of these seniors have income below the poverty line.

Senior citizens stay in assisted living for a few years and then either move out to go back home, to another facility, or to a skilled nursing home. Finances and living arrangements are the two main sources for decisions to move.

Tenants Rights

Seniors who stay at assisted living homes are generally independent. This allows them to feel confident and more comfortable in their aging state. Their dignity and privacy are also kept intact.

As a result, if a resident gets critically ill or injured, they are usually moved to a hospital or skilled nursing home. If the situation is temporary, many of these homes will do their best to readmit a resident after the situation has improved. If a tenant appears to be in the process of dying, they can remain as long as the assisted living home can provide the services they need. Thus, a resident has the following rights:

  • Respected and treated with Dignity
  • Not forced to abide by a religion
  • Be cared for and not be abused
  • Freedom of movement
  • Privacy
  • Continue to utilize their own personal items
  • Manage their finances
  • Many also allow pets and regular visitors

Living Environment

These facilities usually have two forms of housing: semi-private and private. There are furnished and unfurnished options. Many of them have kitchens and private bathrooms.

In addition to the housing, these living environment have enhancements through their services such as:

  • Additional care services for daily living (i.e. dressing, eating, showering, etc)
  • Food services
  • Learning Environment
  • Emergency Services
  • Wellness Programs
  • Housekeeping
  • Group sessions
  • Transportation
  • Personal Services


Each locations pricing differs. Some are an all in one option while others provide tiered pricing. They vary from a few hundred dollars to over $3,000. Many pay for this out of pocket although

Level of Care

A key difference between facilities is the level of care their residence receive. Make sure to research this in detail before signing up.

Bottom line is to take the time to ask questions, ensure all your desired services are provided and the right community atmosphere exists before you sign up for a facility.

Originally published at healthaiminc.com on March 30, 2019.

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