Who are we caring for? Our past or our future?

The timeline and spectrum of geriatric care are very complex. It seems we are caring for our current
future, or our past?
As elderly care demands grow higher in the future, This question will come up time and again… If we do
or do not have the methodology to care for the elderly.
Over the decades, I realized caring is an art and science and it is a spirit level as well. Even with modern
technology the art of caring itself is very varied, interchangeable, and questionable.
Sharing some of the ways that could help caregivers in senior care and living …

  1. Modernization is not about clothes or mentality, but the ability to recognize patterns and act quickly.
    when in need.
  2. Even though our elderly like something, they still prefer something else. For example, food,
    clothing, and living areas.
  3. Routine old sensory stimulation exercises like food and activities can be harmful and beneficial.
    Depending on the individual
  4. Our elderly are very versatile, but misassumptions are common and unfortunately cause the elderly
    to become more non-inclusive at times.
  5. Caring for our elderly involves finding the balance between the past, present, and future…
  6. Older adults prefer consistency but also like new inspirations.
  7. Activities of daily living can be monotonous but can be turned into works of fun, joy, and beauty.
  8. The companionship of the present is the ability to support the past while thinking of new ways to
    maximize interpersonal interactions in the future.
  9. Not all the aged think of caregiving as separate… as they were not meant to be that way.
    The aged with a purpose vs. the purpose of caregiving is here, real and worthwhile. However, one must address the crisis in both the caregiver and the receiver… We will be touching on those fine points later on.
    We would love to know what your thoughts might be in regard to who we are caring for. Our future, our past, our present, or something else? It might be uncomfortable at times to speak up … but that is the only way we can learn from each other…
    Thank you.
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