Isolation or solitude? Amongst seniors

Hmm… it is very quiet, said an elderly, too silent said another… I am used to growing up and living in a large family full of fun, lively talks, arguments, and so on…

For others… complete silence might be just bliss, peaceful, healing, and even empowering! 

When It comes to noise, voice, and speech or music, we can say without hesitation is that we are each very unique, not strange… for isolation or solitude neither is always pathological.

During my years in Geriatrics, I have come to realize the value and opportunity that each presents and in turn opens our blinders to what in the community is a norm or not…

Having seen people living in isolation, cut off from the outside world, or craving for solitude …

Here are some pointers on isolation, solitude, and silence in the world of Geriatrics

They are not in any particular order…

  1. Isolation can be beneficial or harmful depending on circumstances and individuals. 
  2. To understand isolation, one had to understand the elderly very well, taking into consideration cultural differences, heritage, early childhood, community, and more…
  3. Helping an elderly who has self-isolated for many months or even years needs a comprehensive geriatric assessment and further ongoing management 
  4. Entering a lonely elderly’s life includes humility, self-introspection, trust-building, and promoting hope and the possibilities!
  5. The ability to help someone cope with isolation and to be able to have a normal conversation and life will not be possible instantly…. Isolation can sometimes be the only source of comfort for that person. 
  6. Isolation in pandemics can add further stress to the lives of the elderly who prefer living in isolation. 
  7. Solitude is necessary for every human being at some time in their daily lives. 
  8. Solitude can be very beneficial at times, and the elderly can be introverted or even ambivert.
  9. Older adults wanting to live in their own homes despite their decline in any way, most often crave this solitude and are afraid of losing their personal freedom and peace …  
  10. Losing one’s solitude can cause morbidities and mortalities … hence caution must be exercised in confronting the elderly with preference to being alone. 
  11.   Most of the negative beliefs surrounding geriatric isolation and solitude are our own shortcomings and inabilities to comprehend someone else.

While there is no golden rule that helps us socialize the elderly, the elderly do have a voice and choice as well as we adults do. A society is composed of individuals of all types and the ability to seek deeper answers might be the right path…

While I have personally seen many active older adults who preferred solitude, there is also a concern about health care and the ability to seek care at the right time…

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