How to Make a Senior Living a Home for Healthy Aging

Healthy Aging definition has been constantly changing as our thoughts, work, innovations change in the industry of longevity and health care. To be healthy is wonderful but to age with great health even better. We have always believed that one’s home is the only place we can be ourselves, age healthy and live the lives we imagined. They are still beliefs carried by our world, however times are changing and people can find home or feel homely anywhere any time. 

While we discuss about homes, values we treasure and beliefs that we have grown up with, there is another world out there that we may have not wanted to explore, not needed to or not thought of. Senior Living is here to stay, our seniors are starting to believe that life does restart at retirement or even much earlier and that as we age, they look forward to cozy living and life’s simple pleasures. Now these life’s simple pleasures could be a friend, a social gathering, a celebration or anything one can imagine… and all this is possible even in Senior Living. So there are as many advantages to healthy aging at home as there is in Senior Living. Everything depends on our mindsets and visions. 

 Here are some simple ways to make senior living a home for healthy aging: 

  1. Lay emphasis on life and lifestyle moments, and bring that essence with you . 
  2. Relive the wonderful things one appreciated and rekindle the beauty and joys from one’s life.
  3. Let go of the thoughts about space, because home is where a heart is and healthy aging is where a healthy home is.     
  4. Create and honor the life’s simple pleasures of the past and open one’s thoughts to new ones. 
  5. Think about the wheel of healthy aging and how to make the best use of senior living to good health. 
  6. Prevent rather than solve, work proactively to find venues that can compliment our past, current and future health. 
  7. Look for healthy aging through friendships, partnerships within senior living community. Build a tribe that can work towards common goals. 
  8. Believe in quality of life rather than quantity and believe in holistic aging with happiness, gratitude 
  9. Understand the ways to make a home anywhere, for it all begins with mental health and mindsets
  10. Cherish the opportunity of aging healthy, for that is not available to many. 

The concept of Healthy Aging is evolving and there is much to learn, explore and enjoy. We would love to know your ideas and thoughts on this and we thank all of you who read and follow our blogs. We hope to bring many new concepts in the future, until then Healthy Aging wishes to all. 

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