Celebrating Seasons and New year with Mihygge

As we look back at each year of our lives, we face ourselves in the mirror, questions and answers trickle down our faces, and before it sinks in we realize a year has passed.

What if we celebrated every season, not for every reason, and the new year with mihygge? We have been doing it, right, but have we been feeling the seasons? 

Sharing some mihygge celebrations of our century…from the elderly/Geriatric population in my family, community, career, past patients, the neighborhood that I saw and heard. I am sure they resonate with some of you.

They are in no particular order

  1. The joys of drinking fresh juice, from our trees, the cream top delicious milk from our cows, the smoothie I learned to make at eighty! 
  2. Asking for a favorite strawberry shortcake before the elderly man passed away. 
  3. Chatting with friends and family and others, as they knew they had a day more to live.
  4. Walking barefoot in the sand holding my grandchildren and my dog. To watch the sunset!
  5. Playing music in the garden and dancing a jingle all by myself, carefree and happy.
  6. Learning to re-use my creativity to start penning my memoir at ninety!
  7. Sharing my knowledge of gardening with my family and friends, though I am bedridden.
  8. Painting little stones to decorate the fairy garden I made
  9. Sharing my childhood stories, with my family.
  10. Giving away the plants that I grew in my home to others, as we relandscaped.

There are so many beautiful celebrations… that occur every second of our lives on our planet earth…these are just ten of life’s simple pleasures that our elderly craved, rejoiced, shared, and created.

We would love to know other ways your elderly have celebrated life’s simple pleasures… we at mihygge would like to take this opportunity to thank all the people who shared this with us and look forward to sharing many more in the future. 

Thank you 

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